Article 2. Violations of the Obligation


Unless otherwise specified, violations shall consist of conduct that is performed intentionally, knowingly or recklessly. Knowledge that an act constitutes a violation of the Code, however, is not a necessary element of a violation. The use of technology to circumvent any rule is prohibited. The following academic-related misconduct on the part of a law student is a violation of his/her obligation under this Code and shall be a cause for disciplinary action against the law student. Pursuant to this Code, no student shall:

2.01.1 General Misconduct

  1. Violate any academic rule, regulation, or policy of the School of Law duly promulgated by the Dean, an Associate Dean, an Assistant Dean, or faculty of the School of Law.
  2. Assist another student in violating the Code or attempting to enlist the assistance of any person with the purpose of violating the Code. For purposes of this rule, “assistance” shall include any action taken in preparation of a violation, any action in furtherance of a violation, or any action that furthers, enhances, protects, or secrets the violation after the fact.
  3. Fail to timely comply with a sanction imposed by the Committee pursuant to this Code, or fail to abide by the requirements necessary for the satisfactory and timely completion of any plea arrangement entered into between the student and the Committee, the Dean, or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs pursuant to this Code.
  4. A law student who knows that another law student has committed a violation of this Code that raises a substantial question as to that student’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a law student in other respects, shall inform the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Chair of the Academic Integrity Committee of the violation. Students are encouraged to consult the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Chair of the Academic Integrity Committee if they are unsure whether they are required to report another student’s conduct.
  5. Refuse to participate in a preliminary investigation brought pursuant to Article 5 of the Code or testify at a hearing proceeding under Article 6 of the Code, as to the facts within the student’s knowledge, unless the student himself/herself is the accused student.
  6. Act dishonestly in any academic pursuit.

2.01.2 Specific Examples of Misconduct

  1. Misconduct Involving Examination
    1. Give or secure any information about an examination except as authorized by the course professor. For purposes of this Code, “examination” shall include a midterm and/or final examination and any in-class or out-of-class assignment, test and/or quiz, whether administered by written or electronic means.
    2. Copy the work of another student during any examination.
    3. Use, process, consult, or copy from books, outlines, papers, taped materials, notes or any other written or electronic materials during an examination except as expressly authorized by the course professor or an exam proctor. In the event that the student receives an accommodation pursuant to § XIX.C of this Student Handbook, only those materials expressly authorized by the ADA coordinator or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may be accessed during an examination. 
    4. Continue writing an examination when, to the student’s knowledge, the time allotted for writing the examination has elapsed.
    5. Leave the examination room before completing the examination without permission of the exam proctor, if an exam proctor has been assigned to the room. If a student is granted permission to leave the examination room during the course of the examination, the student shall not review any materials or discuss the exam or related matters with any person during his/her absence from the room.
    6. Talk or engage in any conduct that unreasonably distracts or disturbs other students during an examination. No student shall engage in oral, written, electronic, or other communication once an examination has begun. Students shall continue to refrain from any conversation while examinations are being submitted, either by hand or electronically, or while examinations are still in any student’s possession.
    7. Remove any examination, or portion thereof, from the examination room without the express permission of the course professor or an exam proctor. No student shall transcribe, deliver, or receive notes taken while the examination is in the student’s possession. No student shall discuss the nature or substance of an examination with another student whom he/she knows has not yet taken that examination.
    8. Take an examination for another student or permit another person to take an examination for him/her.
    9. Violate the security maintained for preparation or storage of any examination materials or other course materials.
    10. Attempt to enlist the assistance of any person with the purpose of violating any of the provisions of this Code.

2.01.3 Misconduct involving Work Submitted to Satisfy a School of Law Course, Program, or Other Requirement

  1. Submit plagiarized work in any academic pursuit. Plagiarism consists of the appropriation of the literary composition(s) or other creative work(s) of another, or part(s) of passages thereof, or ideas of the same, with the intention of passing it off as the product of one’s own mind. Plagiarism includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the misappropriation of: (a) language taken verbatim, or nearly verbatim, from other sources without crediting the author of the original work by use of appropriate forms of attribution; (b) the original ideas of another without appropriate attribution; or (c) the original pattern of ideas or organization of one or more original works over a substantial portion of the paper. This third category of plagiarism occurs when a student uses the work of others over a substantial portion of the paper, while paraphrasing the language of the original work, without indicating that the pattern of thought or structure of the paper comes from the original source.
  2. Submit the work of another person to satisfy a course, program, or other requirement of the School of Law, whether or not authorized to do so by the other person. This includes, but is not limited to, work completed by another law students, practicing attorney, law professor, or judicial body.
  3. Submit work to satisfy a course, program, or other requirement of the School of Law that the student has either: (a) previously submitted to satisfy a course, program, or other requirement of the School of Law or any other academic institution; or (b) completed in satisfaction of non-academic work requirements outside the School of Law, without the express, prior written consent of the professor to whom the student is currently submitting the work.
  4. Submit work produced in collaboration with another without the express, prior written consent of the professor. This includes collaboration with respect to the substantive content of work or writing style, grammar, citation form, or proofreading.