Experiential Learning Requirement

Each student must complete six credits of experiential learning electives. Courses qualifying for experiential learning credit shall be numbered at the 5000 level.

To qualify as a 5000-level experiential learning elective, a course must be primarily experiential in nature and must:

  1. integrate doctrine, theory, skills, and legal ethics, and engage students in performance of one or more of the professional skills needed for competent and ethical participation as a member of the legal profession. These may include professional skills such as interviewing, counseling, negotiation, fact development and analysis, trial practice, document drafting, conflict resolution, organization and management of legal work, collaboration, cultural competency, and self-evaluation;
  2. develop the concepts underlying the professional skills being taught;
  3. provide multiple opportunities for performance; and
  4. provide opportunities for self-evaluation.

In addition, an experiential course must fall into one of the three categories described below: (1) a simulation course; (2) a law clinic; or (3) a field placement.

  1. Simulation Courses
    Simulation courses shall carry course numbers between 5000-5099. A simulation course provides substantial experience not involving an actual client, that (1) is reasonably similar to the experience of a lawyer advising or representing a client or engaging in other lawyering tasks in a set of facts and circumstances devised or adopted by a faculty member, and (2) includes the following:
    1. direct supervision of the student’s performance by a faculty member;
    2. no fewer than three (3) opportunities for performance, feedback, from a faculty member, and self-evaluation; and
    3. a classroom instructional component.
  2. Clinical Courses
    Clinical courses shall carry course numbers between 5100-5199. A clinical course provides substantial lawyering experience that (1) involves one or more actual clients and (2) includes the following:
    1. advising or representing a client;
    2. direct supervision of the student’s performance by a faculty member;
    3. no fewer than three (3) opportunities for performance, feedback, from a faculty member, and self-evaluation; and
    4. a classroom instructional component.
  3. Field Placement Courses
    Field Placement courses shall carry course numbers between 5200-5299. Such courses must meet all of the requirements described in this handbook and the Externship Policies and Procedures Handbook.