LAW-4051: Independent Study

Credits 1 2
Academic Level

An Independent Study is appropriate for a student who wishes to study a particular area of law that is not covered in the school’s existing course offerings. An independent study is supervised by a faculty member, with prior approval of the Curriculum Committee. A student wishing to conduct an independent study for credit must complete a Request for Independent Study consistent with the Guidelines for Independent Study. The student’s request must demonstrate that the proposed writing project satisfies the requirements of an Academic Legal Writing Seminar. However, a student may propose an Independent Study while using different courses to fulfill the Upper-Level Writing Requirement. If the student earns a passing grade on an Independent Study lower than a “B” or otherwise fails to meet the criteria of an Academic Legal Writing Seminar, the student will receive credit for the Independent Study but may not use the Independent Study writing project to satisfy the Upper-Level Writing requirement. The Independent Study Request Form proposal should be completed prior to the following deadlines based on the semester in which the student wishes to do the Independent Study: fall semester, July 1; spring semester, November 1; summer semester, March 15.

Course Frequency
Offered when student interest and faculty availability allow.