LAW-5081: Advanced Evidence

Credits 3
Academic Level

This skills-based course will have limited enrollment and will utilize mini-scenarios to introduce students to the application of the Federal Rules of Evidence in a courtroom setting. Students will prepare, in advance of class, mini scenarios that consist of both criminal and civil cases. Students will research the admission (or exclusion) of potential evidence and, through the use of witnesses, seek to admit (or exclude) such evidence in the context of each scenario. Students will serve in roles as advocates, witnesses and judges. At the conclusion of each scenario, students, who did not participate in a particular scenario, will offer constructive critiques of their colleagues. This will be followed by the instructor's oral and written critique. Each class includes multiple opportunities for assessment from the instructor, their colleagues, and self-assessment. Students are provided copies of the grading rubric used by the instructor and a rubric for self-assessment.

Required Prerequisites
Course Frequency
Offered when student interest and faculty availability allow.