Requests for Readmission

  1. A student who has a cumulative GPA of 1.800 or higher and has received notice that he or she is to be disqualified may petition the Academic Standards Committee for readmission and permission to continue his or her studies on academic probation. A student may not resume his or her course of study until one (1) calendar year has expired since the student’s disqualification.
  2. The petition must be submitted to the chair of the Academic Standards Committee by October 1 for a spring enrollment, March 1 for a summer enrollment and May 1 for a fall enrollment.
  3. The petition must allege facts that meet each of the below-referenced standards for readmission. Any student who fails to comply with these requirements will be denied a hearing on the petition. Denial of a hearing under the subsection is not appealable.
  4. A student may elect to stand on his or her petition alone. But, if the student requests a hearing in conformance with the requirements of this section, a hearing will be conducted by the committee within two (2) weeks of the submission of the Petition for Readmission.
  5. The chair of the Academic Standards Committee will inform the student of the Committee’s decision within two (2) calendar days after the Committee makes a determination.
  6. As a condition of readmission, the committee may require, among other things, the student re-take certain School of Law classes or otherwise address deficiencies by doing additional reading, obtaining tutoring, and/or taking writing classes.
  7. A student may be granted permission to continue his or her studies under this provision only one (1) time during his or her studies at the School of Law.
  8. A student who is readmitted shall be readmitted on probation. As such, the student must comply with all requirements stated in the academic probation policy.
  9. The Academic Standards Committee may grant a petition if the student establishes the following:
    1. extraordinary circumstances contributed to his or her inability to meet the academic requirements of the School of Law;
    2. the student’s failure to meet the standards for continuing his or her studies does not indicate a lack of capacity to complete the program of study and, in fact, the student possesses that capacity; and
    3. the circumstances resulting in the student’s academic disqualification have been remedied or no longer exist.
  10. Students that have been granted readmission to the School of Law, if seeking financial aid, must file an Appeal of the suspension of their eligibility to receive financial aid.
  11. Upon a favorable readmission decision from the Academic Standards Committee, the Dean of the School of Law may endorse the readmission decision of the Academic Standards Committee or may deny the student readmission to the DSOL, based upon the factors enumerated above. Any decision of the Academic Standards Committee to deny a Petition for Readmission is final and shall not be reviewable by the Dean.
  12. The School of Law maintains a separate process for considering the admission of an applicant who was previously disqualified academically to recommence his or her course of study at the School of Law without retaining any previously earned credits. Details are set forth in the Admissions Policies and Procedures Manual.