Student Organizations

In addition to receiving a rigorous and stimulating classroom experience, Duncan School of Law students have the opportunity to enhance their educational experience by participating in organizations. Student organization members share unique talents, interests, skills, and goals that enrich the lives of each other, the community and the School of Law.

In addition to membership in the Student Bar Association (SBA), students may join any of the other organizations listed below or may seek approval for the creation of additional organizations. All student organizations must be approved by the Assistant Dean for Student and Career Services who may be reached at (865) 545-5335, Room 243.

The following is a list of student organizations which have been approved as of the publication of this Student Handbook.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR club works hand in hand with Professor Russell on mediation and client counseling competitions. This club provides an excellent opportunity for those interested in learning the skills necessary to become a Rule 31 Certified mediator.

American Constitution Society

Through our public programs (over 1,400 debates, conferences, and press briefings across America each year), publications, and active online presence, ACS generates intellectual capital for ready use by progressive allies and shapes debates on key legal and public policy issues including access to courts, voting, equality, immigration, workers’ rights, and many others.

ACS nurtures the next generation of progressive lawyers, judges, policy experts, legislators, and academics by providing opportunities for networking, mentoring, and organizing around matters of both local and national significance.


Amicus’ primary purpose is to visit local Knoxville Middle and High Schools to teach school-aged students how to make good-sound decisions, to become responsible, law-abiding citizens, help to prevent juvenile delinquency by teaching kids about the law and how it applies to them. It is a primary objective of Street Law to encourage students to continue their education past the high school level. It is also an objective of Street Law to be committed to advocate and to show school-aged students that it is possible for all students to obtain a college education and beyond to that of a Masters, Ph.D., M.D, J.D., and other graduate and post-graduate degrees. Thus, Amicus is committed to planting of seeds for continued higher education in the hopes that the children will pursue a law degree and also give back to their community.

Anti-Trafficking Advocacy Club

The mission of the Anti-Trafficking Advocacy Club (ATAC) at Lincoln Memorial Duncan School of Law is three-fold:

  1. To educate the Law School and the greater student body about human trafficking, including its manifestations, prevalence, and consequences;
  2. To participate in the fight against human trafficking; and
  3. To serve as a resource to students interested in fighting human trafficking.

To fulfill this mission, ATAC works to host various outreach and educational events throughout the year and partners with local and national organizations to help with research, advocacy projects, and services to victims, among other things.

By training the next generation of anti-trafficking advocates to serve victims and educate the community, Lincoln Memorial Duncan School of Law’s Anti-Trafficking Advocacy Club seeks to contribute to the elimination of domestic and international human trafficking.

Black Law Students Association

The Black Law Students Association (BLSA) is an organization formed to articulate and promote the needs and goals of African-American law students and effectuate change in the legal community. BLSA is dedicated to empowering African-American students to succeed in law school and to facilitate interaction between all students to draw from the advantages that true diversity brings to the educational experience. The goal of the BLSA is to set an example of service and humanitarian effort to its local community.

Christian Legal Society

The Christian Legal Society, Student Chapter at Lincoln Memorial University’s Duncan School of Law, is an organization devoted to developing and maintaining a vibrant presence on campus, enabling its members, individually and as a group, to love the Lord with their whole beings—hearts, souls, and minds—and to love their neighbors as themselves (Matthew 22:37-40).

Criminal Law Society

The Criminal Law Society (CLS) provides the students of the Duncan School of Law with an enhanced knowledge of the American criminal justice system utilizing an apolitical approach. CLS seeks to stimulate awareness of complex legal and social issues facing the criminal legal system today with an emphasis on gaining a better understanding of how fairness and justice can best be attained in America’s hallmark adversarial system.

Environmental Law Society

The Environmental Law Society is dedicated to protecting the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of the earth, as well as defending the right of all people to a healthy environment. This organization is dedicated to the goals of educating the law school and surrounding community about environmental injustice, disasters, and victories. The Environmental Law Society is equally dedicated to protecting the environment throughout the legal system.

Faculty-Selected Peer Leader Program

The Peer Leader Program is designed to have ten 2L and ten 3L students become peer leaders and serve as a bridge between faculty and students and assist incoming 1Ls adjust to LMU law school life, studies, and culture. In that vein, peer leaders meet once a month with the Deans of Admissions, Faculty, and Students to discuss any improvements that might be made to the law school experience both in and out of the classroom and assist with Bridge Week and other law school activities by mentoring and assisting the incoming first year students. Additionally, peer leaders assist the Dean of Students at particular events and the Office of Admissions with tours of the law school should prospective students want to speak with a student rather than a member of the administration or staff. The peer leaders also host a scholarship/3L celebration dinner in April.

Family Law Society

The Family Law Society is a not-for-profit organization of students dedicated to providing education and enrichment regarding the practice of family law in the United States of America and more specifically in the State of Tennessee.

Federalist Society

The purpose of the Federalist Society is to foster critical thought and debate about the application of conservative and libertarian principles to the law. This organization embraces the principle that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to the integrity of the constitution of the United States of America, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be.

Hispanic Law Student Association

The Hispanic Law Student Association (HLSA) at Duncan School of Law provides professional, educational, and social support to member students while simultaneously fostering an appreciation for and awareness of Hispanic culture. HLSA is dedicated to advocating for the needs of its members within the law school, with the legal community, as well as promoting diversity within the legal profession.

Immigration Law Society

The Immigration Law Society (“ILS”) offers and establishes a recourse and outlet for those students interested in immigration law and policy at Duncan School of Law. The ILS participates independently and/or in cooperation with other student groups, non-profit organizations, attorneys, law firms, companies, academic institutions, and professional associations, in assisting local migrant communities through active involvement with attorney-supervised outreach, volunteer opportunities, or fund-raising activities. In addition, the ILS establishes and administers educational programs centered on immigration policy and law, including human rights, family unity, domestic violence, and the consequences of criminal activities on immigrants.

Law Review

Law Review is an entirely student-run organization. The staff of the Law Review edits and publishes articles written by scholars, practitioners and students. Law Review participation is highly respected by members of the legal community because of the unique educational experience it provides. Service on Law Review enhances analytical, organizational, and research acumen and signifies a level of expertise in these areas that is widely recognized in the legal community.

LMU Law Mentors

The program is a student-based model, so I match an incoming first year student with an upperclassman that shares similar interests. I try my best to match people based on their personal interests, life experiences, and any other factors you wish I consider for your matching process. Mentors will be a short text away to help you throughout your first year of school. While our mentor program is entirely optional, your mentor can offer helpful advice that is specific to our school, classes, and the Knoxville area. If you would be interested in signing up for a mentor or have any questions about our program, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mock Trial Board

The Mock Trial Board at DSOL is comprised of students at all levels of training, with first year students being limited to acting as witnesses in the actual competitions. The Mock Trial Board selection is based upon on an initial competition, wherein the skills of each student are assessed based on upon their ability to zealously advocate their position, appropriately make and handle objections, project professionalism and confidence, and convince a trier of fact of the efficacy of their client’s case. The Mock Trial Board members will undertake additional instruction in the art of trial advocacy, and will compete in preparatory internal competitions, regional and national competitions pitting our Mock Trial team’s skills against other Mock Trial teams from law schools throughout the country.

Moot Court Board

The Moot Court Board at DSOL is comprised of second through fourth year students who have demonstrated excellence in trial and appellate advocacy. The Board is expected to travel and participate in a national Moot Court competition where the participants will draft appellate documents and conduct oral arguments.

National Lawyers Guild

Established in 1937, the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) is the nation’s oldest and largest progressive bar association and was the first one in the US to be racially integrated. Its mission is to use law for the people, uniting lawyers, law students, legal workers, and jailhouse lawyers to function as an effective force in the service of the people by valuing human rights and the rights of ecosystems over property interests. The NLG student chapter at LMU Law works with the NLG to foster and promote its mission.


OUTlaw is a not-for-profit organization which seeks to generate discussion pertaining to legal issues affecting the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community, promote diversity among the law school student body, and provide a safe atmosphere for LGBT students and their allies. OUTlaw also agrees to assist the administration of the Duncan School of Law in the recruitment of LGBT students.

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International is a professional law fraternity advancing integrity, compassion and courage through service to the student, the school, the profession and the community. Phi Alpha Delta was established upon the dissolution of Lambda Epsilon law fraternity on November 7, 1902. The day after, Phi Alpha Delta was formed and later merged with the women’s legal fraternity Phi Delta Delta in 1972.

Phi Alpha Delta has members who are university students, law school students, lawyers, judges, senators, Congress representatives, Supreme Court Justices, and former U.S. Presidents. Over 300,000 members have been initiated since its establishment in 1902 into 340 pre-law chapters, 207 law chapters and 100 alumni chapters. The Watson, Jr. Chapter was established at the Law School in 2014.

The purpose of this Fraternity shall be to form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship designed to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship; to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral, intellectual, and cultural advancement; so that each member may enjoy a lifetime of honorable professional and public service. Visit to learn more about our members, history, and the benefits of joining!

Real Estate Law Society

The purpose of the Real Estate Law Society is to introduce students to the multifaceted field of Property law. Members will have access to multiple professionalism events each year and will be a part of one of the largest student organizations at LMU. Active RELS members will have the opportunity to interact and engage with Property professionals in Knoxville and the surrounding areas of the state. RELS is a great way to get involved with the school and the community. We expect our organization to expand, giving students an excellent opportunity to make meaningful connections with others interest in Property law. We would love for you to join us!

Sports & Entertainment Law Society

Our mission is to promote interest and understanding in the area of sports and entertainment law, to create opportunities for students to become involved, and to aid and facilitate networking with professionals in the industry.

Student Bar Association

The Student Bar Association (“SBA”) is the student government of the School of Law and shall consist of three branches—the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch.

The Executive Branch shall have at least four Constitutional Officers who shall be elected by the entire student body—the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. The Executive Branch shall be responsible for enforcing actions by the Legislative and Judicial Branches and for other duties in accordance with the SBA Constitution. Officers for the Executive Branch shall be elected annually to a one-year term.

The Legislative Branch shall consist of a Senate, which shall be compromised of not less than eight senators. Each class matriculating at the School of Law must be equally represented in the Senate irrespective of the size of the class. The Senate shall be responsible for the creation of bylaws, approving the budget, and other duties in accordance with the SBA Constitution. Officers for the Legislative Branch shall be elected annually to a one-year term.

The Judicial Branch shall have three Constitutional officers who shall be appointed by majority vote of the Senate to a one-year term. The Judicial Branch shall be responsible for interpreting the SBA Constitution and the Bylaws.

Veterans Law Society (VLS)

Veterans Law Society is an organization that provides out-reach opportunities through education and pro bono work experiences that benefit veterans in our region.

Women of Law Society

The Women of Law Society strives to be a source of support, information, and networking opportunities for current female law students. They hope to increase the community’s awareness of legal, political, and social issues, emphasizing women’s perspectives. They will conduct service activities promoting issues that are important to women’s rights, health, etc.